

Medium Emerald Leaf Necklace Cutouts July (25 of 88).jpg

Medium Emerald Leaf Necklace

_7MM0405.jpg _7MM0406.jpg

Paradisica Diamond Ring

_7MM0440.jpg _7MM0618.jpg

Paradisica Large Emerald Earrings

Paradisica Double Leaf Bangle Cutouts July (13 of 88).jpg

Paradisica Double Leaf Bangle

Paradisica small Emerald Earrings Cutouts July (5 of 88).jpg

Paradisica small Emerald Earrings


Paradisica Earrings

Cutouts July (32 of 88).jpg Cutouts July (20 of 88).jpg

Small Gold Leaf Necklace

_8MK5181-Edit.jpg _8MK5192-Edit.jpg

Amethyst Maiden Ring

_8MK5278-Edit.jpg _8MK5321-2-Edit.jpg

Amethyst Maiden Earrings

JJ cutouts february (9 of 41).jpg JJ cutouts february (8 of 41).jpg

Emerald Maiden Ring

_7MM8030 1.jpg _7MM8031.jpg

Moonstone Neverending bangle

Moonstone Neverending Ring C7D_4760.JPG

Moonstone Neverending Ring

_7MM0394.jpg _7MM0395.jpg

Tanzanite Neverending Ring

_7MM7191.jpg _7MM7188.jpg

Tanzanite Neverending ring

_7MM7191.jpg _7MM7188.jpg

Tanzanite Neverending Ring

_MK70400.jpg _MK70465.jpg

Tanzanite Pope Necklace

_MK70231.jpg _MK70381.jpg

Tanzanite and Moonstone Bar Earrings

_7MM8107-Edit.jpg _7MM8093.jpg

Tanzanite Rocktagon Earrings

_7MM8015.jpg _7MM8016.jpg

Tanzanite Rocktagon Ring

_7MM8137.jpg _7MM8089.jpg

Citrine Rocktagon Necklace

_7MM8112-Edit.jpg _7MM8117.jpg

Citrine Rocktagon Earrings

_7MM8029.jpg _7MM8143-Edit4.jpg

Amethyst Rocktagon Necklace

Cutouts+July+%2856+of+88%29.jpg Cutouts+July+%2836+of+88%29.jpg

Moonstone Rocktagon Bangle

Salt & Pepper Diamond Earrings _MK70355.jpg

Salt & Pepper Diamond Earrings

_MK70137.jpg _MK70151.jpg

Salt & Pepper Diamond Ring

JJ%2BAutumn%2B2020%2BCutouts%2B002.jpg JJ+Autumn+2020+Cutouts+001.jpg

Emerald Madonna Bracelet

Small Skull Rosary C7D_1338-2.JPG

Small Skull Rosary

C7D_1318.jpg C7D_1319.jpg

Thin Skull Necklace Gold Plated


Skull Bracelet GP

Koyote ring with emerald eyes and diamond third eye.jpg Koyote ring with emerald eyes and diamond third eye 2.jpg

Coyote ring

Snake Earrings JJ cutouts february (30 of 41).jpg

Snake Earrings

Small Skull Rosary Silver C7D_1359-2.jpg

Small Skull Rosary Silver


Thick Skull Necklace

_7MM0451.jpg _7MM0437.jpg

Moonstone Zapoman Necklace

Zapoman ring.jpg Zapoman ring 2.jpg

Zapoman Ring

_7MM7156.jpg _7MM7166.jpg

Zapotec Face Ring

20210413_183310.jpg 20210413_183418.jpg

Zapoman necklace

7MK_7025.jpg 7MK_6917.jpg

Circle Face Pendant

7MK_7027.jpg 7MK_6916.jpg

White Gold Circle Face Pendant

_ZMK2933.jpg _8MK5151.jpg

Carved Sapphire Zapoman Necklace

_8MK5150.jpg _ZMK2938.jpg

Zapoman and face rosary

_8MK5140-Edit.jpg _8MK5146.jpg

Zapotec Beaded Bracelet

_ZMK2924.jpg _8MK5156.jpg

Zapoman necklace silver

Zapoman Necklace Silver

Zapoman Necklace Silver

_ZMK2927.jpg _8MK5169.jpg

Zapotec Face Pendant

_ZMK2920.jpg _8MK5172.jpg

Geometric tag necklace

_8MK5134-Edit.jpg _8MK5138.jpg

Chunky Beaded Bracelet

_8MK5130.jpg _8MK5131-Edit.jpg

Zapotec Face ring


Geometric Zapotec Cufflinks

20210413_173516.jpg 20210413_173411-2.jpg

Geometric Zapotec Cufflinks

_8MK5124-Edit.jpg _8MK5116.jpg

Coyote ring silver

Black pearl and Labradorite necklace C7D_3446.JPG

Black pearl and Labradorite necklace

Opal, Pearl and Diamond Earrings Cutouts+July+%2864+of+88%29.jpg

Opal, Pearl and Diamond Earrings

_7MM7160.jpg _7MM7162.jpg

Salt & Pepper Diamond Ring

Zapotec Face Necklace

Zapotec Face Necklace

Chandelier leaf diamond earrings in 18k white gold

Chandelier leaf diamond earrings in 18k white gold

Chandelier leaf earrings in 18k yellow gold

Chandelier leaf earrings in 18k yellow gold

_7MM7324.jpg _7MM7537.jpg
Currently not in stock, but we do make things to order. Email us your enquiries.

Madonna Emerald Cross Cuff

Paradisica Emerald Ring image.jpeg
Currently not in stock, but we do make things to order. Email us your enquiries.

Paradisica Emerald Ring

JJ+Autumn+2020+Cutouts+011.jpg JJ%2BAutumn%2B2020%2BCutouts%2B010.jpg
Currently not in stock, but we do make things to order. Email us your enquiries.

Emerald Madonna Cross Necklace

_7MM8006.jpg _7MM8009.jpg
Currently not in stock, but we do make things to order. Email us your enquiries.

Amethyst Cross Bracelet

Ruby Dagger Bangle Untitled Session00018.jpg
Currently not in stock, but we do make things to order. Email us your enquiries.

Ruby Dagger Bangle

PNC001.jpg PNC001(1).jpg
Currently not in stock, but we do make things to order. Email us your enquiries.

Emerald Rocktagon Ring

_MK70114.jpg _MK70129.jpg
Currently not in stock, but we do make things to order. Email us your enquiries.

Tourmaline Neverending Bar Ring

7MK_6834.jpg 7MK_6763.jpg
Currently not in stock, but we do make things to order. Email us your enquiries.

Diamond Bird Ring


Thick Skull Necklace

LargeskullrosaryingoldplatedsterlingsilverDETAIL_5000x.jpg LargeskullrosaryingoldplatedsterlingsilverCROP_5000x.jpg
Currently not in stock, but we do make things to order. Email us your enquiries.

Large Skull Rosary GP

_8MK4728.jpg _8MK4695.jpg
Currently not in stock, but we do make things to order. Email us your enquiries.

Small Skull Necklace

JJ+Autumn+2020+Cutouts+100.jpg JJ+SK+065+S_Small+skull+rosary+silver.jpg
Currently not in stock, but we do make things to order. Email us your enquiries.

Large Skull Rosary Silver

C7D_1323-2.jpg C7D_1323-3.jpg
Currently not in stock, but we do make things to order. Email us your enquiries.

Skull Bracelet

Silver Coyote Necklace
Currently not in stock, but we do make things to order. Email us your enquiries.

Silver Coyote Necklace

Double Mini Zapoman Necklace
Currently not in stock, but we do make things to order. Email us your enquiries.

Double Mini Zapoman Necklace

_8MK5202-Edit.jpg _8MK5198-Edit.jpg
Currently not in stock, but we do make things to order. Email us your enquiries.

Citrine Maiden Ring

_8MK5279-Edit.jpg _8MK5315-2-Edit.jpg
Currently not in stock, but we do make things to order. Email us your enquiries.

Citrine Maiden Earrings

_MK70321.jpg JJ%2BAutumn%2B2020%2BCutouts%2B089.jpg
Currently not in stock, but we do make things to order. Email us your enquiries.

Emerald Madonna Cross Earrings

Tree Of Life Framed Painting

Tree Of Life Framed Painting

Framed Never Ending Mandala Egg tempera
Currently not in stock, but we do make things to order. Email us your enquiries.

Framed Never Ending Mandala Egg tempera

Chakra Mandala 24ct rose gold leaf and egg tempera  67x52cm  £3,600
Currently not in stock, but we do make things to order. Email us your enquiries.

Chakra Mandala 24ct rose gold leaf and egg tempera 67x52cm £3,600

Framed Pink Petal Mandala

Framed Pink Petal Mandala

Large Framed Peyote Mandala

Large Framed Peyote Mandala

Small Petal Mandala

Small Petal Mandala

San Pedro with gold leaf

San Pedro with gold leaf

Butterfly with silver leaf

Butterfly with silver leaf

Jezebel Butterfly, with silver leaf

Jezebel Butterfly, with silver leaf

Indian fruit bat with silver leaf

Indian fruit bat with silver leaf

Crow with Silver Leaf

Crow with Silver Leaf
